Friday, April 10, 2015

Spotlight - Author Angelia Vernon Menchan

It is my pleasure to have in the spotlight today Author Angelia Vernon Menchan.  This author has numerous published books.  I had the pleasure of reading her work and I can tell you that I was pleased.  Her new title, Trinidad and April's Amelie, releases today.

Title: Trinidad and April's Amelie
Release date: April 10, 2015


Hello.April snatched up the phone. She didnt recognize the number.

Big sister, I know you think you are gaming now but I am not that dispensable.Amelie said. April could hear in her voice she was under the influence of something. Your man gave me enough money to handle me for now…”

April felt dread in her belly because she knew Amelie was not going to be anywhere around to sign anything for a while.

Amy, where are you?April could hear caustic laughter pouring through the phone.

Wouldnt you like to know…” she said before hanging up the phone.

Amelie strolled through the streets of LA with a cup in her hand. She was currently only getting her drink on but the day was young. She needed to find a hotel. Seeing a young man posted up against a building dressed in all black and he was young and hungry looking, made her change her direction, slowly and sensually walked up to him.

I need a hotel room but whats hotel room without a youngunshe thought.

Making eye contact with her, he could see her game all over her and in the white sheer dress; she was what was up in that moment. Without a word, she turned on her heel and pulling his cap down over his eyes, he followed

Here is the buy link.  Get your copy! Click on Amazon


About Author:

Angelia Vernon Menchan is an author, publisher entrepreneur who is about forward motion while remembering history...

Connect with Author Angelia Vernon Menchan on her blog:

Angelia's Blog